3 UMMA Objects
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7-sided frame made of reclaimed wood moulding and slats nailed together and backed with strips of green felt, possibly from a pool table. Gold wire traces the wood frame, and is accented with a fuzz ball or googly eye at each corner. A toy car is placed on the gold wire “track” at bottom center; car racing flag stickers attached to the frame in a couple places. Three pieces of thread are strung horizontally across the frame, a “spider web” attached to top two lines with puffy paint. A wood (?) cutout of a smiling joker mouth hung from web by wire.
Martin Johnson
Do yu Get it
The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Fifty States, a joint initiative of the Trustees of the Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection and the Nation Gallery of Art, with generous support from the National Endowment for the Arts and the Institute for Museum and Library Services
Two pieces of artwork consist of colorful shapes and lines.
John T. Scott
Spiders Don't Work on Weekends 4#
Gift of Dr. James L. Curtis
Abstract colorful shapes of circle and square with lines.
John T. Scott
Spiders Don't Work on Weekends #2
Gift of Dr. James L. Curtis